
Eyes on China|Journalist of Nouvelles d'Europe: Guangdong and overseas Chinese are closely connected

时间:2024-03-29 02:50 点击:159 次

(原标题:Eyes on China|Journalist of Nouvelles d'Europe: Guangdong and overseas Chinese are closely connected)ag网站

现代文阅读Ⅱ《阿舒》中老支书抒发的“人活在世界上,你不比也是在比”的感慨,对十七岁的阿舒很有启发。这一感慨,又引发了你怎样的联想和思考?    请写一篇文章,谈谈你的认识。    要求:选准角度,AG俱乐部确定立意,AG俱乐部明确文体,AG俱乐部ag游戏大厅平台自拟标题;不要套作,AG俱乐部不得抄袭:不得泄露个人信息:不少于800字。

南方财经全媒体记者 施诗 李依农 北京报道

During the Two Sessions,AG俱乐部 overseas journalists also pay attention to Guangdong's development and hope to gain a deeper understanding of its economic progress.

Huang Guanjie, a journalist from Nouvelles d'Europe, stated that Guangdong is home to many overseas compatriots from Europe. These European compatriots are also dedicated to assisting cities in Europe to establish friendly ties with China. They hope that through economic cooperation and joint efforts from all people, mutual understanding can be promoted.

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